George Mason University Poll: INFLATION
"What we're looking at over the next 12 to 18 months is a continued tightening [of budgets] and you want that little "cushion" to be there when you need it most."
- Jason Howell, CFP®, CPWA®, CSRIC®
Jason Howell Company is an independent, family wealth management firm run by two owners who believe you should feel good about money.
Jason J. Howell, CFP®, CPWA®, CSRIC® and Douglas W. Tees, MBA, CFP® are each married to patient wives and are dedicated to their kids. Jason and Doug have built a firm with a great reputation. The firm is based in Northern Virginia but serves clients (virtually) all throughout the United States.
Our firm owners believe that dual-income parents with high achieving kids want to feel good about their financial success. They just need to know how. You have a plan for your life and causes you believe in. We fit that plan to your finances so you can feel confident, excited, generous, hopeful and good about your money.
Our process begins with our responsible Investment Strategy and by equipping our clients with three (3) tools for creating wealth that's well, useful:
- Your Personal ROADMAP (PR) which identifies 40 to 60 recommendations to improve your financial plan (the "what")
- Your Implementation Guide (IG) which priorities (by month) when you ought to implement those recommendations (the "when")
- Your Family Constitution (FC) which clarifies how those recommendations connect to your values (the "why")
We call this process Family Governance. It goes beyond traditional financial planning by adding a "values" component. Whose values? Your values.
To feel good about your money, just book an introductory call here: Introductory Call